Winter hiking in Tuxertal

There are approx. 68 km of winter hiking trails in Tux and Finkenberg, which are cleared and gritted.
Starting point Tux-Lanersbach
High trail to Juns (Tuxer Mühle), approx. 1 hóur – path nr. 21
High trail Gemais – Tux-Vorderlanersbach, approx. 1 hour – path nr. 21
Valley hiking trail to Tux-Vorderlanersbach approx. ½ hour, to Hintertux approx. 1 ½ hour –path nr. 10 and nr. 12
Höllensteinhütte (Jausenstation – in winter lit toboggan run) approx. 1 hour – path nr. 28
Grieralm (Jausenstation – in winter lit toboggan run), ca. 1 ½ h. – path nr. 24
Eggalm – Tux-Lanersbach: ascend with Eggalmbahn, descent over Lattenalm (Jausenstation) und further over Gemais unitl Tux-Lanersbach or Tux-Vorderlanersbach, ca. 2 h.
The winter hiking trails to the Eggalm or the Sommerberg are a challenge – but you will be rewarded by ancient traditional mountain huts and panorama restaurants with specialities from our valley.
If you prefer to enjoy the wonderful views without too much effort, take one of the cable cars up to the mountain stations.